SVG import in Astro

If you came to Astro from React world you could be tempted to import your SVG icons like this, especially if you want to use them with Tailwind CSS

const Icon from "icons/myicon.svg"

<Icon class="w-6 h-6 fill-current text-blue-500">

Sadly, this very convenient method, that we are so used to, will not work.

But Astro is very much capable to give us what we want without to much of a hustle.

First of all we need to import icon as raw.

const Icon from "icons/myicon.svg?raw"

Now that we have our svg we need to add a class on it. Our Icon constant contains raw svg test as a string, so first thing that comes to mind is something like this

const Icon from "icons/myicon.svg?raw"
const IconWithClass = Icon.replace("<svg", '<svg class="w-6 h-6 fill-current text-blue-500"')

This method will definitely work, but what if we will need some more attributes at some point.

The solution is quite simle - a small custom component that will handle any attributes for us.

const { raw, } = Astro.props

const attributesString = Object.entries(rest)
  .map(([key, value]) => `${key}="${value}"`)
  .join(" ")

<Fragment set:html={raw.replace("<svg", `<svg ${attributesString}`)} />

This 7 or so lines of code saved me a lot of time and possible headaches with additional third-party plugins/libraries/components. Use it now, thank me later.